Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Another day!

Why does it always feel like the week days are dragging by while the weekend flys by? I know there are 5 days of work and only 2 for play, but why can it be the other way around?

On another topic, I promised that I will post a link to my etsy shop so people can look at my stuff (and maybe buy some too). My friend K listed a link to my shop on her blog (if you are reading this, thanks K! You are the best!), so I feel it's my duty as a crafter to do the same. Without any further due... here it is:

The cool thing is that things really started to pick up. I was at a birthday party on Saturday with my husband and I was so excited when one of our friends, S., offered to host a party for me. Even though I know my things are really nice and well priced, that's only my opinion. So when people show interest in what I can make, it gives me confidence that I really make things that are worth it! This statement might not make sense to you if you are not creating stuff with your own two hands and then try to seel whatever that is...
This jewelry making started as a hobby until my husband mentioned that I either stop buying stuff, either I start selling (no, he was not being mean, our house was bursting at the seams with all the stuff I had). My dream is that one day when we have kids, I can do this as my part time, contribute to the budget, type of job. Maybe if I dream enough this will happen.



Mini said...

I will send you an email on how to make a "live link" later tonight :)

And, yes... i love your jewelry. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mariuca - love the blog! Your jewelry is wonderful - I can't wait to buy some at the party :).

Summer said...

Am postat si eu link-ul la mine pe blog....(de fapt ambele linkuri care-ti apartin).