Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Messy bussiness!

Teaching your/a child to self feed and use a sippy cup is no joke! And such a messy job. C started being interested in getting food into her mouth on her own, so we give her some cheerios! I laugh and smile and clap my hands each time she manages to get one into her mouth. And I cringe inside for each and every little cheerio that flies around my dinning room floor! I love this stage of life with her. She is so much more interactive and "talkative", but messy! And if you know me any bit, you know that mess and stuff all over the place gets on my nerves and makes me pretty edgy! So I am trying to figure out how to relax and kind of let it go. I figured that I really can't humanly possibly vacuum 3 times a day, nor can I clean up after each session of "tummy time"! But boy, do I have a hard time with it!
Any advice?

1 comment:

Mini said...

Girl, make that back porch the play room and make it 'off limits' for cleaning except for : spills, puke, and a once-a-day put the toys away (quickly). When it's one room... you can deal with it. A splat mat will make your life easier in the dining room... with the oatmeal flying and cheerios sailing across the room. And, besides, maybe the cats will learn to like cheerios. :)