Monday, February 23, 2009

First day!

Today is C's first day of daycare! Am I terrified? Pretty much! I keep trying to hold on to what one of our friends L said in an email the other days: "it will be good for her. It was good for out son! She will be with other kids and play with them". That brings me some confidence, but as a mom, it's my job to worry! I spoke with A a little earlier and he said she did not even noticed when he left (I know that's not entirely true), so it was a little bit less gut wrenching to think of her with other people.
I don't think I am an overprotective parent (I might be and have no idea about it, though!). I am a strong believer in disciplining your kids early, helping them to be independent! But all that goes out the window when I think of my little Noodle!
I just hope and pray that the guilt of sending your kid to be taken care of by someone else goes away! Goodness I have such a complicated, twisted mind sometimes!
I better stop rambling now.

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