Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Salem Falls

I am reading this book by Jodi Picoult, "Salem Falls". First I have to say that I am a huge fan of her work. There is something very "real" about her work. Now back to the book I am reading, I am not going to spoilt it for you, but the story is about a guy who gets accused of rape twice. The striking thing for me is how the little things we do in life can be twisted and turned around against us. How the most innocent things we do could be taken out of context and used for a conclusion completly different than the reality. I am firm believer that there is always a cause and an effect in all we do. We might not always understand the cause, but there is always one. We might not always like the effect of our actions, but there is always one!

Trust me if you have not read anything by Picoult, it's worth trying.

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