Monday, November 10, 2008

My new kick!

Maybe this is old news for you, but I have recently discovered "iron ons tranfers"/ For someone who can't saw a straight line if life would depend on it, iron on tranfers are such a kick! I was always proud of my abilities of creating nice looking jewelry (yup, here some patting on my back!), but was always bumped out that I can't make anything nice for all the babies that are coming up (it seams like our whole family and friends are getting pregnant in the same time). The other day I was browsing Joanne's for some fleece material (I am trying my hand at some blankets for my very pregnant sister in law) and saw the cute iron on tranfers for babies.
So I purchased a bunch along with some white onesies and made some. I am so proud of my handy work that I will take some pics tomorrow and even attempt to post them here! Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Mini said...

Ooh... I love making those onesies!