Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, new adventures!

Happy New Year! I am still hyperventilating over the fact that it's January again and I have no idea where another year went!

I am sure that the whole world knows by now, but just in case : I AM PREGNANT! After 3 years of treatments and shots and misery, it's finally happening. I am scared out of my mind most days (I alternate between freaking out that I will screw up somehow and my child will be all messed up, and freaking out that there is something wrong with the child and I am not sure how I am going to deal with it). When I am not scared out of my mind, I am mostly sick. But compared to the hell I have been thru with the treatments, being sick on a regular bases became a walk in the park (I know, kind of sad, but so true!)

My in laws were so excited over the news (we told them for Christmas)! So excited that we never got the chance to tell another person in the family. Everybody came over for Christmas day, and between my father in law and my mother in law, everybody found out about my condition! From them! Yup! We never really told anyone else in the family, cause we never got the chance for it! I was not sure if I should be laughing hysterically about it, or just cry!

So this year is a big year for us. By the time Christmas comes again (sooner than what you might think) there will be a little baby Tux around!



Mini said...

Baby Tux is going to be spoiled rotten with love! can we just say again how incredibly happy we are for you two? our hearts are so full and we cannot imagine two people who deserve this happiness more!

:) Kate and Dan

Mariuca said...

We will have to keep the spoiling to a decent level there, aunt Kate!

Traci said...

Take my advice. Sleep now...

Mariuca said...

if only I could stop the trips to the bathroom...

Traci said...

Sure that will sbout 6 months! Yeah for the heartbeat!! I loved hearing it for the first time too - truly an amazing experience.